Friday, September 20, 2013

Manners Matter

So today I went to the grocery store to buy some food to cook. The store was sort of full of people so it was quite cramp ya know. People were literally blocking the way like they own it. I mean, yea don't be selfish lady I need to get carrots too. As a mannered person, I wouldn't push my way through them, most of us would say "excuse me" or maybe a "can I please pass through?". Whatever seems logic. My point is that you should not ever push people like your father owns a road. It isn't nice. Be aware of your surroundings especially the people around you and when someone says excuse me, you better damn well hear it and move.

A few of you would think "pfftt manners dont matter" but really it does because it reflects who you are. And if who you are is a rude person without manners then probably people would blame your parents. So, you would probably be giving your family a bad name.

Smallest things can lead into bigger things everyone. Anyway, I like grocery shopping.

So manners matter a lot, when you are well mannered, people show you a lot more respect and look up to you. You don't have to act like a rude person to try and get respect.
^_^ so yea dont kill me.. Hahaga xD

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