Sunday, October 26, 2014


If you're not fond of a person's religion, please do not act cruel towards them. Please respect them and their religion. Each religion teaches people to be kind to one another although in some parts of things, we are different but as humans, we are the same. Religion is a sensitive issue and shouldn't be made fun of or be looked down upon. Just because things are taught differently in different religions does not give us the right to look down upon other religion or people in that matter. Look towards everything, equally.

Have a nice week everyone!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Everyone in the world faces problems. Whether they are big problems or small problems, they are still problems and should never be treated lightly. You can't expect everyone to understand your problems because let us all be sincere about this, the only person who knows your problems the most is yourself and God if you hold on to a belief. If a person says they understand you perfectly, they may only understand it how they think it would be but to fully understand? Only you know what it is like.

If you told someone to try and feel what you felt if they were in your shoes, yes everyone would feel sympathy for you and everyone would feel sorry for you but don't ever tell a person your problems are worse than theirs or talk as if it were. They can understand up to a point where you can explain but you can never expect everyone to treat you with kindness and special treatment because it would be unfair to every other person out there. Unless you suffer from a mental illness or illnesses in general, it's understandable. It is enough that people make each other feel shit because of their lack of understanding towards each other. No two people will fully understand each other and you can't expect people to make time to think about the problems you go through because people have their own. To resolve it, is to talk about it with people such as counsellor's, teachers, psychiatrists, parents but with friends it is only a 50/50 understanding because they have their own problems to deal with.

Everyone has a bloody weakness, including me. Everyone has a problem, including me but the patience to understand another person is tougher than how it seems and it would be good enough not to boast your problems to the world as if they were bigger than anyone else's because everyone's problems are a big issue and with that, everyone should tolerate each other. If a problem occurs, seek help, not spread hate and dissatisfaction because it will only break other people and more problems will keep adding.

Stop spreading the hate problems and start loving. Seek help when a problem occurs.


I'll be away for a bit but it's not like I'm going to disappear forever.
I'd like to get a few things straight here about the internet.

Over the years, the internet has played a huge role in our daily lives, especially for people in their younger ages. Social networking for instance, it's a place people log on to connect with people. Sure it's a good thing, if you're wise and you know how to use it well.
For those who aren't? They abuse the privilege of what social networks have to offer. Using it to indirect people, to pour out their feelings of hatred and disgust, to harass people and the list could go on. These are the few negative impacts and dangers of the social networking sites. No one blames the social networking sites because they had only created it for good causes and never negative ones.
We as the people should be the ones educated enough knowing how to use it properly.

Majority of the people who love to bash others and indirect talk them feel superior behind a screen of a computer or a smart phone but having the guts to say to a person in real life? Never will they or rarely will they ever. You shouldn't be afraid of these kind of people because they have an inferiority complex, low self-esteem in that matter. They aren't as confident as you think they are and you'd be surprised to find out that you've been more confident then they have. No matter, it's best to talk it out with each other so the problem will be resolved. There is no reason to ignore the opposite opponent just because they have been rude to you through the internet or in real life. Make a mends and that goes for the person who is guilty of bashing. Constant ignorance won't get any of you anywhere and the bashing and indirect status updates will keep continuing if it is not resolved.

PS: But I suggest that if a person bashes you and you do not know them, kindly try to ignore them because they are not people worth your time or aliens in that matter. The more you feed them attention, the more they will continue to hurt you so if it seems to bother you, take a day or two off of the internet and you'll notice that things are better and that people can't ruin your happy circle! :)

PPS: Never forget that both opponents should apologise, unless the guilty one was the one bashing then please own up to your own actions because that indirect crap hurts people.

I think enough is enough. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

It's not advice

It's not advice if you're telling people to not befriend a person just because they can't seem to find themselves. It's a duty for people around to help guide them and not be cruel to them.

Where does an adviser stand if the only thing they can say is to ignore the people who are problematic and lost, when they are suppose to help the problematic and the one's who are lost.

Where do you stand if you are a person of advice but never able to listen to both sides of the stories.

Where do you stand if you have no backbone of your own?

As far as I'm concerned, I am willing to help any person no matter what.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I am in the middle of my final exam in 10th grade so the chances of me updating as frequently will be very low considering that I'm a procrastinator and I suck at managing time, but I will try and space out some time to write for you all.

As for my exams, I really hope I'll do well and it would be a great help if everyone of you could please hope or pray for the best for me. I really need the boost right about now and if you've done so, A really big thank you in advance! <3

In case if you wonder if I'm dead or something, feel free to check out my photography blog considering that I'm active there because I just post photos that I have taken during my walks and short journey's throughout the city! And cats! definitely go there for cats!

Receiving advice. An understanding to it.

Receiving advice but the giver does not follow their own. An understanding to it

Never mind about who I am or who I was because that is not for anyone to have their say. Whatever I talked about or whatever advice I give is based on what I have been through or have been in the past. My advice does not mean that I follow every single bit of it but rather to share it with those who just might get something good out of it. Do you understand so far? I hope so.

People tend to ask why a person does not follow their own advice and that answer, even I cannot answer it. That is one problem right there. We are too busy wondering why others don't follow their own advice to even reflect ourselves or even take in what they have given. It is a waste, really. A waste that certain advice these people give are thrown away just because the giver of advice may have not followed their own words. Instead of pondering the thought about someone else, there is the thought of yourself and how that can be improved. Never point out if someone may not have followed their own words, rather take note of that good advice they have just given. Anything related to them(the advice giver) is invalid in your life and you should not ponder about it or try to drive them over the edge for it. The giver of advice is just as fragile as you are.

Remember that not everyone may follow their own advice but they will share it with those who they think may find it beneficial. Understand it and just take my word for it.

Next on my list.......
Pointing fingers but saying as if the words were not meant to hurt

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I haven't been active for so long and for some reason I've lost all motivation to do so. I'll need some time to get back to my cheerful self and to try and regain my positive side and have a chance to be on my own for a bit.

What is the root cause of every friendship problem? Even though that question has been answered many times, I still ponder the thought of the proper answer to that question. It differs depending on situation but I've asked so many people and I could never get the answer I was looking for. Was it the miscommunication? The petty things friends had kept inside? The petty things that they were envious about? uncountable.

Whatever the answer is, one day it'll be answered. I was thankful to my counselors because they were there to listen and comfort me during school hours and I'm thankful to have my parents who have been trying to be as understanding as possible and the friends I never thought would comfort me. Whatever could have made me feel down, went away. 

I've made a photography blog, please check it out!